Gee, I wonder why I never have time? Hmmmm....
THAT is why! Those all need to get mailed out! Sheesh! Quite a stock-pile huh? There's a mix of birthday and thank you cards, quick notes for family members, and of course letters to a few pen pals! I tend to like to take one whole trip to the post office as opposed to going every single day.
Currently, I'm working on this letter to Stella in Korea! I decided to use some more country-themed stationary to match the envelope.
Those envies are fabulous by the way! Nice and light...almost like parchment. I made a trip to San Francisco yesterday with a very close friend of mine with the intent of visiting Japantown! I picked those guys up(package of 60, I think.) at Daiso. I of course visited Kinokuniya but I decided against picking anything up. It was a bit more expensive than I thought it would be! Sad, I know. :(
On another kawaii note, I have decided to auction off some of my collection! This will include sticker sheets, sticker sacks, plushies, writing tools, mini/large memo pads, bento supplies(un-used.), and quite a lot more! Be sure to check and see if I've got it up soon!
I am also willing to take requests for items for my next San Francisco trip! I'm hopefully planning on visiting somewhere around July 27th(my birthday weekend.) if I can come up with the cash to do so!